chinese medicine

Transitioning into Autumn with Eucalyptus radiata

 As summer fades away and the more cooling season of autumn is upon us, it is the perfect time to strengthen the Lungs and Wei Qi. According to the five-element theory in Chinese philosophy, Autumn and the Lungs are synonymous with the Metal Element. Metal is associated with protection. You can think of the metal used in shields during battles of ancient times. To remain healthy…

Intro to Essential Oils distilled from Flowers  By: Marc Gian

For  Acupuncturist and Massage Therapists essential oils distilled from flowers have many benefits, especially when working with the Shen as they serve to calm the mind and soften the mood. Florals are often used to nourish yin and blood, calm the shen, soothe the skin and increase receptivity to healing and even sensuality. They are going cool and nourish excess an excess Fire element - meaning they help in cooling the Heart and are asset for symptoms of anxiety, restlessness and insomnia and focus. Although metaphorical, it is import to take a look at the meaning of a flower. Flowers symbolize grace, love and new beginnings. As they correspond to the Heart they are going to be beneficial for clients that are working on forgiveness and love.

The Practical Herbalist #04: Qing Hao in the Clinic By: Andrew Nugent-Head

One of the issues of the current study of herbs is that many people are using formulas without understanding the Shen Nong Ben Cao Upper—Middle—Lower categorization of the herbs within the formula—all the while pontificating about the dangers of using Lower Herbs when they are unintentionally prescribing them for long periods in pill format. Of the more common occurrences of this are Da Huang, Ban Xia, Lian Qiao, Jie Geng, Xing Ren and Qing Hao. Recently the poster child for acceptance of Chinese herbs in modern science due to a recent Nobel Prize for its use in treating malaria, Qing Hao happens to be a lower herb in the Shen Nong Ben Cao and one of the more important ‘treat diseases’ herbs I use in the clinic.

Essential Oils And Chinese Medicine By: Marc Gian

The use of essential oils continues to be gain popularity. Many people are finding the use of essential oils and aromatherapy are beneficial to uplift their mood, increase depth of respiration and prevent symptoms of common colds. Individuals are becoming more conscious of the importance, even necessity, of using natural remedies for healing and quality of life.

Peppermint: Releasing the Exterior and Spreading Qi By: Marc Gian

Peppermint is a well-known and loved scent, commonly used for it’s soothing and uplifting effects. Peppermint is great for those that that desire to feel more awake and refreshed- and is great for those that struggle with damp conditions causing foggy headedness and inability to focus.

The Athlete’s Nemesis: Muscle Pulls, Strains, and Tears, by Tom Bisio

In Chinese medicine, the first step in a muscle injury is to restore free-flow of the local circulation, which aids in flushing out the dead cells and debris that are stuck in local area of the injury, while simultaneously bringing in cell building blocks and fibroblasts, which create new tissue. Restoring free-flow of circulation also reduces pain, because it is precisely the lack of free-flow that creates the pain. Restoring free-flow is best achieved by a multi-modal approach.

Lavender Angustifolia ~ Bringing into the World - Marc Gian, L.Ac, LMT

From the strong upward and outward direction of Rosemary, it follows suit that we discuss Lavender. Lavender also moves energy both upward and outward, but differently than Rosemary. As it is a flower, it calms with a cooler, gentler quality, being less direct, more accommodating and softer. It has a ‘friendlier’ smell. Its upward and outward direction is more like energy spreading up and out like the rays of a sunrise reaching up from the horizon. This can be seen in the way the Lavender bush grows.

Ma Huang in the Clinic - Andrew Nugent-Head

INTRODUCTION: The Practical Herbalist is not a list of shortcuts nor a substitution for a classical understanding of prescribing herbs from the Flavor and Nature paradigm that defined our medicine. It expects the reader to have this as a foundation and assumes this knowledge. If the reader is new to the concept of prescribing from the Flavor Nature perspective that was established in the Nei Jing, or would like refreshing on its core principals, they are directed to the four excellent articles by JulieAnn Nugent-Head on classical herbalism published by the Journal of Chinese Medicine. If they wish more information, …