Meridian Remedies: Natural Herbal Granules for Optimal Wellness.

Rooted in the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, our all-natural formulations are designed to support your constitutional balance and elevate your well-being. Say goodbye to pharmaceuticals, as we pride ourselves on using only the highest grade lab-tested herbal granules, carefully encased in vegetarian capsules without any artificial ingredients.

The POWER of Traditional Chinese herbal Medicine

Our herbal formulations are tailored to every facet of your well-being. Meticulously crafted, these natural herbal supplements draw from the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, enhanced with contemporary insights, to nurture and fortify every part of your body for optimal health.


Meridian remedies provide allergy wARNINGS

 Easy and accurate labeling for allergen validation and verification.


Memory Focus Tonic

Supports memory function and improves concentration

Peaceful Sleep

Calms, balances, and nourishes the mind and body to enhance restful sleep

Visual Acuity

Herbal Support for Overworked, Tired, or Strained Eyes



Balances the body's energy and optimizes its ability to deal with stress

tinnitus ease

Optimize the body’s natural balance to control symptoms associated with tinnitus


Blood Pressure Support

Helps body maintain blood pressure balance

Cholesterol Support

Optimize cholesterol balance naturally

Circulatory Health

Naturally optimize the body's circulatory function to prevent stagnation


Diabetes Support

Natural herbal support for people with diabetes. Sugar-free


Support cellular health against free radicals



Herbal Asthmacare

All natural herbal respiratory support

Natural Sinus Support

Soothes sinuses and supports nasal function


Acne Care

Clear Skin Support

Herbal Derm Relief

Herbal support for chronic skin irritation such as eczema, psoriasis, and urticaria

healthy hair tonic

Strengthens hair and minimizes hair loss naturally

Gyne Clear

Supports female urinary tract health

Women's Fertility Tonic

Supplements Essence and Yin Energy for Optimal Fertility

Woman's Transition

Assists the body's natural ability to balance and maintain a healthy weight


Weight Management

Assists the body's natural ability to balance and maintain a healthy weight


Alleviates discomfort associated with PMS


Male Performance

Strengthens virility without artificial hormones or pharmaceuticals

Prostate Health Formula

 Supports prostate function

Weight Management

Assists the body's natural ability to balance and maintain a healthy weight


Joint Support

Supports the joints to maximize movement and comfort

Sciatic Support

Natural support for sciatic health


Digestive Balance

Natural digestive restoration

Natural Colon Support

Supports colon function with gentle relief

Natural Detox Cleanse

Supports the natural detoxification function of the Liver and Colon

Natural Heartburn Relief

Neutralizes acidity, eases digestion, and relieves gastric discomfort


Strengthens Kidney Qi and Essence


Support urinary tract health, and foster well-being in the urinary area



Reduce inflammation and soothe irritation in rectal area


Energy Lift

Increases the body's energy level and enhances immune function

Migraine ease

Balances the body to soothe and calm symptoms associated with migraines

Immune Boost

Boosts the Immunity and Supports Protective Qi function


Our Premium herbs are carefully selected and verified for correct species and geo-authenticity. Upon receipt, each herb must pass inspection for proper identification, maturity, and high quality. Every batch is tested for heavy metals, pesticide residues, and microbial contamination. Innovative techniques in preservation and packaging ensure a product free from sulfur dioxide fumigation and other preservatives.

Take charge of your well-being and experience the transformative benefits with Meridian Remedies' premium supplements.