Dispel-dampness soups

Chinese Dispel-Dampness Herbal Soups: The Perfect Summer Remedy

Credit: Kamwo

As the heat and humidity of summer roll in, many individuals find themselves seeking ways to beat the seasonal discomfort. In Chinese cuisine, herbal soups have long been valued for their health benefits, and among them, dispel-dampness soups are particularly popular during the summer months. These soups are not only delicious and hydrating but also known for their ability to counteract the effects of dampness, a concept deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Let's dive into the world of Chinese dispel-dampness herbal soups and discover their benefits for the summer season.

Understanding Dampness in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In TCM, dampness is considered a pathogenic factor that can accumulate within the body, leading to various health issues. It is associated with symptoms such as heaviness, bloating, sluggishness, and a lack of energy. During the summer, the combination of heat and humidity can exacerbate dampness-related ailments. To address this, Chinese cuisine has incorporated a wide range of herbs known for their dampness-dispelling properties into soups.

Common Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Yi Yi Ren Coix Seeds (Job's Tears): Coix seeds are commonly used in dispel-dampness soups due to their ability to promote urination and clear damp-toxin properties. They help eliminate excess water and reduce swelling or edema caused by dampness.

Mu Mian Hua (Bombax ceiba L): Mu Mian Hua is commonly used in dispel-dampness soups for its ability to strengthen the Spleen and dispel-dampness, and also its ability to clear heat-toxin.

Fu Ling - Poria Mushroom: Poria is a medicinal mushroom known for its ability to regulate water metabolism. It aids in the removal of dampness from the body, relieves fatigue, and promotes healthy digestion.

Deng Xin Cao, also known as Juncus effusus, has a long history of use in TCM for its ability to dispel dampness from the body. Dampness is considered a pathogenic factor that can accumulate and lead to various health issues, such as bloating, fatigue, and sluggishness. Including Deng Xin Cao in dispel-dampness soups can help address these symptoms and promote a healthier balance within the body.

Bi Xie is widely known in TCM for its ability to dispel dampness and promotes urination. It also strengthens the Spleen.

Bai Bian Dou - Strengthens the Spleen and clears summer-heat dampness: used to treat diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting associated with summer-heat. 

He Ye - Lotus Leaf: With its cooling nature, lotus leaf is a popular herb for dispelling dampness and reducing summer heat. It also supports digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Shan Yao - Chinese Yam: Chinese yam is revered for its ability to strengthen the spleen and stomach, which are essential for proper digestion. By promoting healthy digestion, it helps prevent the accumulation of dampness.

Chi Xiao Dou: Adzuki Beans are commonly added to dispel dampness soups due to their ability to improve kidney function and reduce edema caused by excessive dampness.

Preparation and Cooking

To prepare a delicious dispel dampness herbal soup, start by soaking the selected herbs and ingredients in water to release their flavors and nutrients. Next, rinse and combine the herbs with a protein source such as lean meat, chicken, or fish in a pot. Add water and simmer gently over low heat for several hours to extract the essence of the herbs. Finally, season the soup with a touch of salt or other preferred seasonings.

Benefits of Dispel Dampness Herbal Soups

Promote Hydration: With their high water content and diuretic properties, dispel dampness soups help to keep the body hydrated and maintain a healthy fluid balance during the hot summer months.

Aid Digestion: The herbs in these soups support healthy digestion by strengthening the spleen and stomach, reducing bloating, and improving overall gut health.

Reduce Swelling and Edema: Dampness-related symptoms such as swelling and edema can be relieved by the diuretic properties of the herbs, promoting the elimination of excess water from the body.

Cooling and Refreshing: The cooling nature of the herbs used in dispel-dampness soups helps to counteract the effects of heat and humidity, providing a refreshing sensation and promoting overall comfort.