Systematic Review on Acupuncture for Treatment of Dysphagia after Stroke

Dysphagia was one of the most common sequelae after stroke. The incidence reached 81% [1]. There were many complications in dysphagia, such as cacotrophy [2], dehydration, aspiration, and pneumonia [3]. Those complications improve the morbidity, mortality, the rehabilitation, and the quality of life of the patients. So the medication and intervention time are very important for recovery. Acupuncture was an effective method and more and more welcomed and applied clinically [4]. There were many studies [5–7] about the acupuncture for treatment of dysphagia after stroke internationally, including the scalp acupuncture, nape needle, auricular needling, or combing with other methods.

Though, there were some systematic reviews focusing on the acupuncture for treatment of dysphagia in stroke. There was lack of higher quality research or the positive conclusion could not be obtained. Thus, the inclusion and exclusion criteria were formulated after integrating the previous relevant reports. And the studies using single blind method were pooled to be analysed alone.