Acupuncture for Disorders of the Mind & Brain

Acupuncturists know that a calming effect can often be obtained by simple acupuncture techniques. It is less well-known to what extent acupuncture can affect other aspects of mental function, including serious disorders that involve brain damage, such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, mental retardation, attention deficit disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, manic-depressive syndrome, cerebral palsy, and schizophrenia. Research into these areas has been ongoing in China and the claimed results are often quite good. However, there are so many acupuncture points and herbs that are said to be of some benefit that design of definitive research projects and treatment protocols becomes difficult and practitioners are left with relatively limited guidance. This article is aimed at drawing attention to the main acupuncture points used in the treatments for disorders that involve the brain and mental functions.

By yumikrum (cocktail hour) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons