Diagnosis, Patterns, and Treatment of Heat

In my experience, the most important aetiological factor leading to Yin deficiency is overwork: I do not mean excessive physical work but overwork in the sense of working long hours without adequate rest, leaving home in the early morning and returning in the late evening for years on end.

Photo source: Blogger. Image sourced from Blogger. Available at: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhQLsGOKTgsr-AXPH91mj5YMgQS6dvmzk7Iudil7XFvf8xHDn8haGyAIYRSWhenxyWeGl3QGQxqJqdcFrrTNK3B-adiAhHxM_ew-1xFQj_hZo_5nBs8l_sIm0rXk2lXp1btodjNIKD01OY/s200/Red-tip.jpg