Tea Tuesday: Meet The Chai Wallahs Of India

On virtually every other street corner, in every city or town or village in India, there is a chai wallah — a tea vendor who supplies the piping hot, milky brew that fuels the country.And because everybody — politicians, rickshaw drivers, schoolteachers — needs a daily cuppa, chai wallahs get to meet people from every walk of life.

Ravi, a chai wallah in the south Indian city of Pollachi. Photo courtesy of Zach Marks and Resham Gellatly. Image sourced from NPR. Available at: https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2016/06/13/9.pollachi_smaller_custom-f67d9f788f02f112013d8771b5e6a64de81f2ece.jpg?s=800&c=85&f=webp