A pilot study of yogic meditation for family dementia caregivers with depressive symptoms: Effects on mental health, cognition, and telomerase activity

This pilot study found that brief daily meditation practices by family dementia caregivers can lead to improved mental and cognitive functioning, and lower levels of depressive symptoms. This improvement is accompanied by an increase in telomerase activity suggesting improvement in stress-induced cellular aging. These results need to be confirmed in a larger sample.

Image sourced from Alamy. Available here.

Taste isn't just for taste buds anymore

This article will explore the diversity of organs that express elements of the taste transduction cascade and their functions in each area. Taken together, the findings suggest that the taste transduction cascade is not restricted to taste per se or even to systems regulating food intake. The receptors mediating taste transduction evolved early in the vertebrate lineage [13], and were adopted widely as a chemodetection system in a variety of organ systems. Questions still remain as to what the natural ligands are for many of the nongustatory functions of the “taste” transduction system [14].

Figure 2. Sites in the body where cells express the canonical taste receptor cascade. Image sourced from NCBI. Available here. "Taste isn't just for taste buds anymore" by Thomas E. Finger and Sue C. Kinnamon.

Connecting insomnia, sleep apnoea and depression

Insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) are the two most common sleep disorders. Insomnia is a known risk factor for incidence and severity of depression, recurrence of depressive episodes and even suicide.[1] Several studies have also shown that OSA can contribute to the development of depression.[2] Insomnia and OSA often co-occur, but previous research has not addressed the interactions, for example, whether this co-occurrence is associated with worse depression.

Fenugreek (Hu Lu Ba) and Testosterone Levels

Dietary fiber rich fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds have exhibited cardioprotective, hypolipidemic and other health benefits. Furosap (FS), an innovative, patented, 20% protodioscin-enriched extract was developed in our laboratory from fenugreek seeds. This study examined the free and total testosterone levels, sperm profile and morphology, sexual health, mood and mental alertness, and broad spectrum safety parameters of FS in 50 male volunteers following supplementation over a period of 12 weeks.

Fenugreek (Methi) seeds for cooking or planting. Photo by Shailesh Humbad, sourced from Wikimedia Commons. Available here. Venthayam in Thamizh. Humbads at en.wikipedia.

Wave-Induced Flow in Meridians Demonstrated Using Photoluminescent Bioceramic Material on Acupuncture Points

The mechanisms of acupuncture remain poorly understood, but it is generally assumed that measuring the electrical conductivity at various meridians provides data representing various meridian energies. In the past, noninvasive methods have been used to stimulate the acupuncture points at meridians, such as heat, electricity, magnets, and lasers. Photoluminescent bioceramic (PLB) material has been proven to weaken hydrogen bonds and alter the characteristics of liquid water. In this study, we applied the noninvasive PLB technique to acupuncture point irradiation, attempting to detect its effects by using electrical conductivity measurements. We reviewed relevant literature, searching for information on meridians including their wave-induced flow characteristics.

By Geek3 (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Association of traditional Chinese medicine therapy and the risk of dementia in patients with hypertension: a nationwide population-based cohort study

Patients with hypertension (HTN) reportedly have a higher risk of developing dementia. However, it remains unclear if use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the most common form of complementary and alternative medicine, can help lower the risk of dementia for these patients. So the aim of the study was to investigate the effects of TCM on dementia risk among patients with hypertension.

Dried ginseng roots on burlap. Image Credit: koosen/iStock/Getty Images

Hormone Receptor Expression in Human Fascial Tissue

Many epidemiologic, clinical, and experimental findings point to sex differences in myofascial pain in view of the fact that adult women tend to have more myofascial problems with respect to men. It is possible that one of the stimuli to sensitization of fascial nociceptors could come from hormonal factors such as estrogen and relaxin, that are involved in extracellular matrix and collagen remodeling and thus contribute to functions of myofascial tissue.

Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons. Available here.

Guizhi and Rougui (Cinnamomum loureirii bark and twig)

The cinnamon tree has been one of China’s most important herbal sources since antiquity. The Shanghan lun, China’s most revered herbal classic written 1,850 years ago, deliberately commences its introduction of classical prescriptions with Guizhi Tang (Cinnamon Decoction). According to the theory of flavors put forward in the Tangye jing, another influential herb primer from the formative period of Chinese medicine, pungent medicinals have the ability to stimulate the moving power inherent in all life forms. Perhaps more than any other plant, cinnamon’s unique fusion of sweet and spicy flavors have made it a general symbol of yang qi in China. It grows only in the deep South, and is therefore regarded as a warming “solar” plant that has the ability to drive out all cold, stagnant and evil yin influences. No weeds grow underneath a cinnamon tree, even in the thickest jungle.

Acupuncture For Fertility After Ectopic Pregnancy

Researchers from the Fudan University Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital tested the benefits of acupuncture for patients receiving emergency ectopic pregnancy surgery. A ruptured fallopian tube or heavy bleeding necessitates surgical intervention. Laparoscopic surgery often involves a salpingectomy, which is surgical removal of a fallopian tube. The fallopian tube may be left intact after repair but salpingostomy procedures to restore tubal patency may not be adequate to prevent blockages and consequent infertility. After careful clinical trials, the Fudan University Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital University researchers conclude that acupuncture combined with herbal medicine improves tubal patency and reduces the mass of fallopian tube obstructions.

Photo by Shutterstock 281440808. Image of an acupuncturist pointing at BL17 on an acupuncture model sourced from Shutterstock. Available here.

Community Acupuncture Found Effective For Pain

Acupuncture combined with supplementary Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) modalities is found effective for the alleviation of chronic neck, shoulder, back, and osteoarthritis pain. Researchers provided acupuncture treatments over the course of eight weekly sessions in a group setting. The researchers confirm that the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture have lasting results. All acupuncture treatments ceased at the eight week data point. A 24 week follow-up confirms that pain levels remain reduced even though no treatments were provided after the eight week data point.

Floaters and their treatment with Chinese herbs

In the Yinhai Jingwei (Essential Subtleties on the Silver Sea), a text on ophthalmology from the time of the Ming Dynasty (1), there is a discussion of floaters, described as "black blurred specks in the eyes resembling fly wings." The pathology is said to be related to the "water of the kidney" refers to the kidney yin, as distinguished from the "fire of the kidney," which corresponds to the kidney yang or mingmen fire.

Prevention and Treatment of Cataracts with Reference to Chinese Medicine

It is estimated (by Pro Ro Nata, Inc., a consulting firm) that traditional Chinese medicine products for eye disorders accounted for 41 million dollars (U.S.) of business in 2002, with 80% sold over the counter in pharmacies, the rest prescribed at hospitals and clinics. Cataracts are a major target of therapy, with 40% of the ophthalmic drug market (including non-TCM therapies). Unfortunately, little is known about the success rate for these treatments. Both internal and topical therapies are used.

Image by Аружан Жамбулатова. Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons. Available here.

The Six Qi and the Six Yin

The six qi (liuqi) refers to an ancient Chinese concept still relied upon in today’s discussions of traditional Chinese medical practices.  The concept behind the term is that external (environmental) conditions can influence the functions of the body.  When the environmental conditions are moderate and normal (e.g., “seasonable weather”) and the person is dressed properly and protected from over exposure, the sixqi have a positive influence.  However, when the conditions become extreme, when they change rapidly, or when they do not follow the usual pattern, they are able to adversely affect health, and cause disease.  In such cases, the six qi are known as liuyin (six excesses) or even liuxie (six evils).

By Ziegler175 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Acupuncture seen to reduce coronary heart disease risk in fibromyalgia patients- Taiwan study

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved several therapies to treat fibromyalgia. Non-pharmacological treatments include acupuncture, massage, and exercise. Acupuncture has already been shown to be beneficial in animal studies and clinical trials, but there have been no previous studies on acupuncture’s effect on CHD in fibromyalgia.

Photo by Shutterstock 100744942. Image of pulse diagnostic hand on a cushion sourced from Shutterstock. Available here.

Impetigo and its Treatment: Inhibitors of Staphylococcus

Today, the main functions still recognized for both baizhu and cangzhu are the ability to overcome moisture accumulation (damp impediment) and to promote digestion (disperse food).In China, impetigo is known as huangshi chuang (yellow-discharge sore). The disease is thought to be produced by the combination of internal damp-heat and external toxic-evil (3). Damp-heat arising internally is usually understood to be due to dietary factors, especially when the stomach/spleen function is weak and unable to distribute moisture. The accumulated dampness from fatty, moist, and salty foods, and from food residue that remains too long as a result of weak stomach function, transforms into heat, yielding the internal damp-heat condition.

Photo by Shutterstock 313843034. Image of dried gardenia fruit background herbs for treatments in Chinese medicine sourced from Shutterstock. Available here.

Atractylodes: Baizhu and Cangzhu

 The statement about making the body feel light refers to the role of herbs as longevity tonics, and Taoist practices towards that aim that led to loss of body weight and appetite (usually from consuming heavy metals in alchemical mixtures). Dead muscles and tetany refer to paralysis of the muscles either by flaccidity (no ability to contract on will) or tonic paralysis (being in constant spasm). Jaundice indicates yellowing of the skin, which we know today is usually from hepatitis or biliary blockage; but, in traditional medicine, this was seen as a debility of the spleen, which is the organ of the earth element associated with the color yellow. Zhu would help stop sweating by diverting the fluid to urination and by strengthening the body to resist spontaneous sweating (a sign of weak qi unable to hold the pores closed). One of the indicators for using atractylodes in a diuretic formulation is that there is limited urinary elimination but excessive sweating. Although zhu is warm in nature, it was used to eliminate heat by purging dampness that carried out heat with it.

The Effectiveness of Cupping Therapy on Relieving Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cupping therapy (CT) in changes on skin surface temperature (SST) for relieving chronic neck and shoulder pain (NSP) among community residents.

Photo by Shutterstock 101865511. Image of acupuncture fire cupping detail on a woman's back sourced from Shutterstock. Available here.

Shichangpu (Acorus gramineus)

The Acorus plant family represents the source of one of the world’s most widely used medicinals. In Egypt, the Chester Beatty Papyrus VI mentioned Acorus as an ingredient for a digestive plaster around 1,300 BC. In ancient Europe, Acorus was a symbol of love, lust and affection. The calamus variety, often referred to as Sweet Flag, was added to absinthe and digestive bitters, used in the perfume industry and as a flavoring for pipe tobacco. In Ayurvedic medicine, Acorus calamus is called Vacha, and revered for its ability to transmute Kundalini energy, rejuvenate the brain and stimulate self-expression. In Sanskrit, the term Vacha literally means “speaking,” mirroring a quality that is also expressed in the herb’s Chinese name: the ancient word chang in Shichangpu originally signifies “splendid expression.” In North America, moreover, Dakota warriors used to apply the root paste to their faces in order to calm the senses and conquer fear when facing an enemy.