A popular combination in Chinese medicine

Solomon Seal & Ginseng is a popular combination in Chinese medicine to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system. This is perfect for those who are low on energy and recovering from chronic illness. Ask your herbal practitioner if this soup is right for you.

Solomon Seal Chicken Ginseng Soup to strengthen the cardiovascular system

Yu Zhu (Solomon's Seal) - moistens dryness, this herb helps the body generates fluids, helps balance Red Ginseng's warming and drying effect
Red Ginseng - Tonifies Yuan Qi, Heart, Lung & Spleen Qi
Long Yan Rou - Tonifies Sp and Heart
Da Zao - Tonifies Qi and nourishes Heart blood
Chicken - Nourishes Yin
Pork Bones - For Flavoring and to assist the body to absorb the goodness of the herbs

Action: Tonifies the Qi in all the major organs and particularly the Yuan Qi (Original Qi) & in this case, the Heart Qi; Generates fluids, Tonifies the Spleen & Heat Qi and Yin and Blood.

Did you know that Kamwo has packaged herbs to make soup? Click here.